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Construction & Skilled Trades Headhunter

I am a construction trades headhunter. I spend most of my time seeking out folks who hate their jobs and then determining who I know that might make their life better so that I can make that introduction.

Anyone can go on ZipRecruiter or craigslist and find thousands of possible connections with a few key clicks. My job is to make better connections for you than you could make on your own. If I can’t do that, then why would you need me?

How I make great connections is by touching a lot of people and a lot of companies. If I do that well enough, then amazing connections often become glaringly obvious.

It costs you nothing—literally hundreds of excellent companies have retained me to go out and find you.

My invitation is for a simple touch. Let me know who you are, what you’re trying to do with your career and the best way that I can be of service to you. If I think that I know of something worth your time, then we’ll sit down and have a more in-depth conversation.

And maybe that’s just the point. You risk nothing by talking with me—its just a conversation.

Be well,  John Krytus

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