There’s an urgency now. “Get it in the ground before it freezes”, or “We need it done before our holiday party!”
Some contractors are finishing up while others are doubling down. Consequently some guys are getting laid off while others are working overtime. Another interesting thing that always seems to happen this time of year is that we see all of the guys who were doing “side work”—they come in hoping to find something to get them through the winter. Whatever the reason, there appears to be a lot of activity in the area of skilled labor.
Whenever a big project ends, or a contractor cuts back, we inevitably see parts of his crew. Last week, one of our demo contractors cut back leaving a handful of cert’ed up equipment operators and demolition laborers looking for work. A $20 carpenter might be coming off a job, as well as an electrician, and a 2nd year HVAC tech.
Some of the higher up folks that I’ve talked to include a gentlemen whose experience is running a $5M low voltage company, a project manager for commercial capital improvements, and a variety of other administrative folks.
I just checked the inbox and there is a whole new crop of resumes in there from over the weekend.
Now is potentially an opportune time to pick up one or two of these guys up to help finish the year if you’re in a crunch. Give us a call..there is a pretty good chance that I’ll know a person or two to help you finish the season strong.