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Leaving a job on bad terms

I was asked the question, “Is leaving a job on bad terms ever okay?”

I believe that how a person leaves each and every relationship (professional or personal) is likely a measure of their character. And if not their character, then certainly their personality. The exception to this is if you leave during the initial probationary period (or dating). But once you’ve had a chance to evaluate the situation and you make a commitment, then you owe it to the other party to leave gracefully. If it’s effecting your health (or safety), then leave the right way before it gets critical. It could even be a client or vendor that you want to fire. Do the right thing and don’t leave them in a bind.

Regarding personality..some people just don’t have the stomach to face their employer / manager. A good Manager should know this about the person and help this person have a candid conversation about their career plans.

And certainly it goes both ways! My employees know that I’m big on this so more often than not I get two month notices rather than two weeks. And I’ve done the same thing in return. More than once I’ve given an employee permission to leave us and find another job.

As a recruiter, this is one of my top methods of vetting when evaluating a new hire for a client. I want to know how they ended the relationship.

Most relationships eventually end. When todays new venture ends, will it go well?


For more on this check out Career Secrets that HR People Don’t Have the Guts to Tell You.

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