Hi John, I interviewed with you a few weeks back regarding a *** position that you had open. I did speak with you afterwards and understand you had someone in mind to fill the position. This is not why I am contacting you today, but, I wanted to say “Thank You”. During our interview, I spoke with you about … The next day, I sent an email to them and set up a time to teach. I recently completed the class on a Wednesday night and walked away with a smile on my face and heart. It was a very small class, but, it was a great learning lesson for the participants and me. During the class, there was a discussion about what they were learning that night. They shared with me that the class was one of the best they had been to. They thought the information was good but more importantly that they appreciated the “real” advice I gave them and they could see that I was passionate about helping them. On my ride home, (I do a great deal of thinking in the car) I felt that I needed to thank you for having the discussion with me and bringing the class to my mind. During our day, there are people who we come across who make us think, smile, and influence us, not always do we get an opportunity to thank them. This time I was able to. With sincere thanks,