There are a number of reasons companies work with CPG, and the list is as varied as the companies who use us.

Construction Personnel Group, Inc. was set up for Contractors, by a Contractor

There are agencies who specialize in day labor, factory workers, and various other professionals, but few for the construction trades worker. Construction Personnel Group, Inc. was conceived because a company called Apollo Construction Co, Inc needed carpenters and project managers, and every agency who promised those people were unable to deliver. They never understood what was being asked of a typical tradesman. Clearly there was a need. Mr. Krytus (owner of Apollo Construction), knowing what it was like to be both a carpenter needing work and a contractor needing good employees, created this company specifically to fill that niche.

Construction and Skilled Manufacturing is all we do

No other agency in Buffalo has the industry-specific intellectual capital that CPG has. What other agency can boast being owned and operated by a tradesman who’s been on both sides of being hired (and fired)? Of having lived it—felt the success of projects well done from start to finish, and the struggles of those ill staffed? What it’s actually like to have hundreds of thousands of dollars riding on whether or not one man does his job right?
We believe that the more we focus on our work, the more we become experts in that area. Forget about being a jack of all trades. Mostly, we stay away from things that we don’t understand so that we can become awesome in all things relating to what we do know.

Construction Personnel Group, Inc. is local.

Our clients primarily operate in Buffalo and the surrounding area.  They extend as far as Rochester, and Jamestown.

No one knows Buffalo and Western New York like we do. Western New York is the only place we do business (mostly). We have lived, played and worked in Buffalo and the surrounding suburbs for 53 years. Almost daily, folks who live here will tell you that, “Buffalo is a small town with a big city attitude” and we’ll hear “Buffalo is a small town! Everybody knows everybody!” It’s true. And we make this work to our advantage each day. The point is, there’s not much happening here that we don’t know about. If you need local insight to get a job done, we know people.

More on being local

Critical Mass

We think we have the ability to put better people into your positions than you may be able to. We have a critical mass of job seekers that you won’t find anywhere else. Every single day of the year we are taking in resumes. They come from our website, facebook, reddit, twitter, mass emails, craigslist, indeed, monster, referrals from our partner websites—so many places. And then we have referrals. We’ve been doing this for so long and touched so many people, that 60% or 70% of our resumes come from somebody having recommended us.

We screen the snot out of our referrals

Usually, by the time a Referral gets to you, a Job Seeker has been interviewed three times with varying intensities.

The primary objective of all three interviews is to determine the one single area where that person stands the greatest chance of job success. At each level, we take notes and write reports for you to read regarding our findings.

We insist on a completed timeline and ask that any gaps be accounted for. We then verify those timeline items and get references for them. Those references are all documented and are made available to you.

We conduct various internet searches. The results of those findings are also documented.

If your company requires some additional vetting, please let us know.

Additional articles: CPG’s Philosophy on hiring ex-offenders

Our job seekers have choices and they’ve chosen you

Usually, we layout more than one option and see which one excites them. We know that if a person is fulfilled in the job they are doing, then they have a much better chance of paying out on your investment in them.

If you consider our process—we have our candidates jump through numerous hoops to get to you. If they’ve made it that far, then there is a really good chance that they are the right person for the job.

It’s a neat way to keep it simple.

All of those seemingly random costs are packaged up in one neat bundle. The costs? Well besides the actual wage there is the Workman’s Compensation Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Reemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Social Security, Medicare, etc. There is the hassle of withholding Federal and State taxes, child support, and any other random levies.  We are required to make regular payments to each of the corresponding agencies for each of those things. Even if you use a payroll service to actually write the checks, each of these items still needs to be accounted for in your bookkeeping!

If you’re working with us, there is one hourly bill.  Period. Everything is in there. Much like paying a subcontractor, whatever is left after you pay CPG and your materials is yours to keep.

You get to keep the folks you’ve invested in

Our contract-to-hire term is 640 hours. After that time you can simply assume the employee onto your books or if you prefer you can extend the term for a reduced bill rate. Alternatively, you can simply pay a fee and put him on your books directly.

We have a 4-hour guarantee

In most instances and for most of our clients, you will have actually interviewed an applicant before he works on your job site. It would be extremely rare that both of us mess up that badly that you feel that you are not receiving adequate value for his work. But in the event that you decide that we’ve gotten it that wrong within the first four hours then there will be no charge for his time. We do ask that you notify us in writing to request your credit.

Additional resources

The more our two companies work together the easier it is for us to respond when you have fluctuations in your workload. We give you immediate access to additional labor resources if you need to staff up or make changes.

We will absolutely stick to our promise

Part of Our Promise is to not shortcut Our Process. Hiring a new employee is nothing like buying a new skid steer. They’re not sitting out back waiting to have their batteries charged so we can ship them out to your place of business. Sometimes finding the right person is about timing.  We know a lot of tradespeople in Western New York—as a matter of fact, we know more than 50,000 of them. Occasionally we lose business when a client’s standards are not as high as ours. That’s okay. We absolutely will not compromise by simply telling you what you want to hear.

More on Our Promise

It’s easier to say goodbye

We put your new hire relationships at an arm’s length until you’re sure you want to cultivate them. Alternatively, if you want to lock somebody up before the contract term, you simply make a phone call or send an email saying that you want to convert the agreement to a buy-out and that employee is wearing your colors the next day.

© 1998–2025 Construction Personnel Group, Inc.