Drug Free Residential Roofing! Crazy Notion?
Help Wanted: After decades of pretending that it wasn’t an issue, we’re going drug free with our residential roofing crews.
We are still of the opinion that what you do on your own time is your own business. But we are drawing a line in the sand. It will absolutely not be tolerated at work. If you come to work and you look stoned, smell stoned, act stoned, are rumored to be stoned, want to be stoned, pretend to be stoned …you will be subject to disciplinary action.
Of course we anticipate some fall out. Perhaps that’s to be expected.
We’re thinking that this new policy may create some openings. So if you are a residential roofer and you would like to work with a generations old roofing and siding company that is drug free. We can’t wait to talk with you.
Location: Buffalo-Niagara RegionPay: $16-27/HOURType: Full Time JobJob No. #2187-11351Status: OpenKeyword(s): Construction Trades, General Labor, Roofing & SidingDate Printed: Mar 9, 2025
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Squarefoot Tradesmen
327 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 855-8100
or email recruiter@sqrft.net
or visit sqrft.net