General Labor to do Electrical work
I need 3 guys to pull wire.
If you’ve ever thought that you have the potential to be an electrician, this is your shot. Call me.
Everyone keeps asking me, “is this a permanent job?” The answer is that it is as permanent as you make it. This is Buffalo—and this is construction. Essentially you’ll have nine months to prove that you are worth keeping on when the slow-downs happen.
The more important question is, “Are you serious? This is a chance to become an electrician without having electrical schooling?”
The answer is, “Yes I’m serious. And yes this is a really sweet opportunity”
Location: Buffalo-Niagara RegionType: Full Time JobJob No. 313-16640Status: ClosedKeyword(s): Construction Trades, ElectricDate Printed: Mar 9, 2025
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Buffalo, NY 14222
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