Headhunter Looking for Certain Tradespeople
I am a headhunter for the construction trades, and my clients have great jobs!
I am a carpenter by trade and have lived and worked in Buffalo all of my life.
My company is Construction Personnel Group. We are not a national chain, a job board, or an aggregation website. We are the human part of job searching that has gone out of most of HR years ago.
Buffalo is our town. If you need a connection in the skilled trades, then we should have a conversation. They’re easy to have, and they don’t cost anything.
I don’t claim to be everybody’s solution, all of the time. But if I call on you, it will always be with an offer that matches your criteria.
Register with me. In confidence. No commitment. I won’t waste your time.
One more thing:
Stop messing around with companies who don’t recognize what you are worth! The season is too short. Hell, life is too short!
I want to hear from you. If you don’t have a resume, don’t worry…we’ll get through without it.
You can reach us any way that suits your style:
— Apply to any of our openings at www.sqrft.net/people/
— Apply in person at 327 Niagara St. Buffalo, NY
— Call us at (716) 855-8100
— Send an email to recruiter@sqrft.net
Be well,
John Krytus, Sr. Recruiter
Construction Personnel Group
Location: Buffalo-Niagara RegionType: Full Time JobStatus: OpenKeyword(s): Construction Trades, Service Trades, Carpentry, Electric, General Labor, HVAC, Plumbing & PipefittingDate Printed: Mar 9, 2025
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Squarefoot Tradesmen
327 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 855-8100
or email recruiter@sqrft.net
or visit sqrft.net