Help Wanted: Asbestos Estimator
Most demo companies think that to be successful they have to be huge. At my company we believe that it’s more important to focus on being a great employer. We are not huge—it’s just me and a half dozen of the best abatement guys anybody could ask for. Sure we’re small but we don’t lose. When we take on a job we know for a fact that we will make money.
They say that most overnight successes take ten years. Well after a decade of doing asbestos and lead abatement in Western New York, it is time for me to delegate off part of my workload.
I plan to hire an Estimator.
The way that I cost out a job is to size it up; determine the manhours and the materials; then do the math. We generally don’t do unit pricing.
The person I hire for this job needs to walk the job and be able to say how long and how many resources it will take to handle it—nothing fancy—you just need to know the business.
What’s important?
My motivation for making this hire is to take work off of my plate. In the end, I won’t be content unless I’ve hired someone who has a strong leadership personality. You need to be able to chart your own path—make decisions, and live with the consequences.
Chances are
The person I’m looking for is wearing a white suit right now and looking for a way to move up in the environmental business.
Of course I would consider someone who maybe owned their own business, or is currently estimating for my competition 😉
If this ad calls to you, then you know who you are. Apply now.
Location: Buffalo-Niagara RegionType: Full Time JobJob No. 1848-16614Status: ClosedKeyword(s): Construction Trades, White Collar, Estimator, Demo DeconstructionDate Printed: Mar 9, 2025
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Buffalo, NY 14222
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