Managers Assistant and Data Entry
We’re looking for someone who aspires to do more than just data entry and has the drive to control their own training but is happy with starting small. Our objective is to hire someone who wants to use this as a stepping stone to greater responsibilities in our small office. Our ideal candidate will have…
Full Time Job in Buffalo-Niagara Region (open)
Account Manager in Construction
Wanted is an Account Manager who’s primary job it will be to make career connections for folks in the construction industry. We work with project managers, estimators, superintendents, and tradesmen of companies that do capital improvements, site work, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, etc. We manage construction companies’ contingent workforce. The best candidate: Will have solid…
Full Time Job in Buffalo-Niagara Region (open)
Bidding Season
Here in Western New York, bidding season follows right on the heels of the first snow. In the last week or so I’ve taken numerous phone calls asking if I know of any: Contract Administrators, Office Managers, and/or Project Managers for HVAC, environmental, electric, and residential remodeling. I’ve also been asked for a Superintendent, two…
Full Time Job in Buffalo-Niagara Region (closed)
Warehouse Manager –One is Building Products Supplier, the other is an Electrical Contractor
Organic growth is what we refer to when a young company slowly and gradually puts down strong roots in the community. They grow their business mostly by doing all the right things for ten or twenty years. Their customers trust them. They keep coming back and telling more of their friends. Unlike corporate giants who blaze…
Full Time Job in Buffalo-Niagara Region (closed)