Vinyl Siding Installer
Help Wanted a Vinyl Siding Installer or perhaps better stated is an Exterior Residential Carpenter
We’re hoping to hire someone with 3-5 years experience. Alternatively, if you know how to work a brake then you are likely a good candidate to start.
Our company does roofing as well so having the willingness and ability to shingle is a plus.
The right candidate will have reliable transportation and a drivers license.
Offered is competitive pay, health care, vacation and sick days.
Location: Buffalo-Niagara RegionPay: $18-26/HOURType: Full Time JobJob No. 1836-11225Status: OpenKeyword(s): Construction Trades, Carpentry, Roofing & SidingDate Printed: Mar 9, 2025
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Squarefoot Tradesmen
327 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 855-8100
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